TWD World Beyond: The Wrong End of a Telescope (Episode 1.04)

In last week's episode of the most recent Walking Dead spin-off, Felix and Huck reunited with the four teenagers in their quest to rescue Dr. Leopold Bennett from imminent danger at the CRM headquarters in New York.

However, the pair of young adults seem to possess a more realistic mindset than Iris, Hope, Elton, and Silas -- Felix insists that the gang doesn't know what they're walking into, remaining determined to keep them safe.

When our party of six stumbles across an abandoned high school to conduct a supply raid, they split into three pairs -- Felix intends to convince Elton that their mission is foolhardy, Iris blows off Hope in favor of Silas, and Huck attempts to uncover the true meaning behind the trail that Hope left behind.

As the pairs go their separate ways, Iris ensures Felix that she remembers their training techniques, quoting his statement: "It's all about avoidance." Hope soon echoes this sentiment, feeling that Iris has avoided speaking to her since learning what truly happened on the night of their mother's passing.

1. Felix and Elton

Felix attempts to bond with Elton before persuading him to turn around, asking about his passion for science and his newfound bond with the Bennett sisters. However, this casual questioning quickly turns to pleading, as Felix recounts his own losses and begs Elton for help. He can't afford to lose anyone else. Meanwhile, an intriguing flashback sequence seems to depict Elton trapped in a locker. Perhaps he was once bullied for filling the "class nerd" role, or simply has a phobia of small, enclosed spaces. When the pair stumble across an awful, inhumane sight, they realize that they aren't alone, setting off in pursuit of their friends. After finding Iris and Silas together in the gym, Felix and Elton are forced to find another method of entry, instructing their friends to stay put in their absence.

2. Iris and Silas

Alone in the gym, Iris and Silas continue building their bond that developed almost immediately upon the group's departure from the Campus Colony. A rare comedic moment occurs when the pair find a Sadie Hawkins dance sign and mutually agree that the girl must have attended this high school. Unfortunately, they find themselves trapped (due to an empty standing just outside the exit), with corroded batteries that render their walkies useless. In yet another dialogue-heavy sequence, Iris convinces Silas to dance with her, envisioning what it may have been like to attend this school before "the sky fell". Unfortunately, their joy is short-lived, as they hear something dangerous moving in a nearby vent and must quickly flee the gym.

3. Hope and Huck

As Huck questions Hope about whether she wanted their gang to be found, Hope recalls various conversations she once had with her father. While always feeling that Leo Bennett was disappointed in her (as Iris was his model student), she recalls being told that her dad loved her unconditionally. In one flashback, Leo tells Hope that she and her sister have been inseparable since birth and should continue watching over each other -- in another, he assures Hope that his departure with the CRM is unrelated to her being a "screw-up" and explains that he's created a secret method of communicating with his daughters in his absence. While searching the high school in present-day, Hope and Huck stumble across a wolf that seems to remain stationary in an effort to protect its young. Hope soon realizes that the wolf's actions are symbolic: fathers often show their love in strange ways, and Leo only sought to protect her.


As the three pairs move closer to collision, Iris and Silas find themselves on the run from a large group of empties. Flare in hand to light his path, Silas snaps and begins beating an empty savagely with his bare hands. When the remainder of the gang comes to his aid, he accidentally injures Elton in his fury.

Later, Hope and Iris finally have a conversation to mend their long-term wounds. Iris voices her belief that the sisters have missed out on "being there for each other" throughout the years, and soon enough they are flipping one another off again (which means all is well). 

Meanwhile, after coming face-to-face with a vicious wolf and countless empties, Elton seems to be on board with Felix's plan to turn around and keep his friends alive.

As "The Wrong End of a Telescope" comes to an end, Iris approaches Silas in hopes of achieving reconciliation. However, Silas insists that he should be left behind, as he hurt Elton and poses a potential threat to his friends.

The mystery of last week's episode may have been somewhat revealed in this encounter, as Silas asks Iris whether she believes that he killed his own father. Nonetheless, Iris seems unperturbed by his inquiry -- she says that Silas has already saved them twice on their current journey, which is what matters most.

Elton then takes a group photo (pictured above) and the six are officially reunited.

It's Not Over

Furthermore, Sunday's episode breaks The Walking Dead mold somewhat by delivering a grim post-credits scene, as viewers are introduced to a new environment. While it is unclear where this scene takes place or precisely what is going on, there are numerous "test subject" corpses present, one of whom is Dr. Samuel Abbott from Portland, Oregon. There is also a picture of Leo Bennett in this room as the woman in charge calls for Test Subject A403. As viewers, we can only hope that the Bennett sisters aren't too late...

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