Fear the Walking Dead: Honey (Episode 6.05)

Two weeks ago, Fear the Walking Dead reunited Dwight and Sherry in unexpected, yet incredibly genuine, fashion.

However, this week's episode made it readily apparent that Negan's reign of terror did not end with Rick Grimes' epic throat-slash in the Season 8 finale of The Walking Dead.

But let's rewind for a minute...

Episode 6.05 begins with Dwight and Sherry sharing a tender moment of reunion, though it's quickly interrupted by a radio call from Hill, informing Dwight that he's missed his check-in.

Once again, Dwight lies to Hill, insisting that he must continue scouring off-map terrain, though he's concerned about Al's unexplained disappearance.

Reinvigorated, Dwight suggests that he and his wife run off together -- unfortunately, Sherry refuses his proposal, and viewers quickly learn why when Dwight is abducted by masked figures.

This new, seemingly shady group is constructed primarily of Virginia's outcasts, as Sherry and company seek to end her reign by striking a fatal blow.

Though Ozzie (a particularly violent outcast) threatens to kill Al (their captive) if Dwight refuses to share Virginia's location, his life is quickly spared by Rollie, who also once worked for Virginia and feels mortally indebted to Dwight.

As reunited survivors join forces in hopes of overthrowing Virginia, Al constructs a plan for the gang to "steal" her MRAP.

With the "Wild West" theme now in full swing, this band of masked misfits ride their horses into battle, force Virginia's ranger to waste ammo firing aimlessly in their direction, and ultimately create an opening for Dwight to commandeer the MRAP.

Though Virginia's ranger escapes Dwight's clutches, he quickly finds himself tied up by cowboy Morgan, established at the conclusion of 6.01.

Unfortunately, our gang's internal conflict is just beginning.

Sherry wishes to use the MRAP to eliminate Virginia, while Morgan believes the group must bide its time -- thus, Dwight is caught in the middle of a perpetual struggle.

Sadly, his loyalty to his wife forces Dwight to somewhat "lose himself" once more, as he goes to drastic measures interrogating their prisoner about Virginia's whereabouts -- spraying him with guts and threatening him with a stray dog before Morgan intervenes.

Though Morgan begs Dwight to stray from his current mindset, he seemingly loses the argument when Dwight assures Morgan that he would pursue a similar course if Grace's life were at stake.

However, Sherry also recognizes a change in Dwight's mindset on her behalf, as he vocalizes his intention to deliver the final blow to Virginia.

With Al and Morgan conspiring to use TNT on the MRAP before Virginia's outcasts can strike, a stunning change of events finds Sherry locking up Dwight alongside the pair of "traitors" -- unwilling to allow her husband to follow her on this violent path.

At this juncture, Dwight admits that Morgan's decision to hold off on the attack is the smartest play -- he realizes that he would have done anything necessary to be with Sherry.

While Morgan consolingly recounts his (Season 5) flaws, Dwight finds sudden inspiration to break free and prevent Sherry from following through with her attack on Virginia.

Nonetheless, Virginia may have predicted a potential set-up, as she doesn't appear alongside her rangers at the promised location.

Though Dwight talks Sherry out of proceeding with the plan, he realizes she's been comparing the situation with Virginia to Negan's reign -- blaming herself for the downfall of their marriage and the death of countless innocents.

In one last fateful encounter, Sherry informs Dwight that they must go their separate ways -- she needs to kill Virginia for personal redemption, but doesn't want him to slip back into a proverbial hole.

Instead, Dwight sets off with Morgan and Al to lead their now plague-less friends to Morgan's new shelter, clinging to the hope that one day he will be reunited with his wife under better circumstances.

With Alicia's fate relatively unknown and a potentially dramatic confrontation brewing for John Dorie, there's certainly much to unpack as this season continues to unfold.

What are your thoughts on Season 6 thus far?

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