Fear the Walking Dead: The Key (Episode 6.04)

Season 6 of Fear the Walking Dead has sought to resurrect the "bottle episode" in an unprecedented way.

Our season premiere focused on Morgan's battle to outlast gangrene and remain alive -- viewers were then treated to a parting of the ways between Strand and Alicia before last week's emotional episode centered around Dwight and Al.

Thus, it took four episodes for the fandom to learn of John Dorie's fate -- he has become one of Virginia's most trusted rangers, stationed squarely within the fences of Lawton.

While John writes frequent letters to June, he initially seems to have become well-adjusted to Virginia's way of living, doing his best to contribute to their future with his peacekeeping duties.

Unfortunately, everything changes when a man named Cameron meets an untimely end -- despite Virginia's insistence that Cameron had a drinking problem and errantly stumbled into some walkers, John wants to launch a full-scale investigation.

During Cameron's memorial service, Janis is caught in an attempt to escape Virginia's community -- in her possession: a small earring matching the one that John found on Cameron's body at the potential crime scene. 

Upon interrogation, Janis reveals to John that she and Cameron were secretly in a relationship -- however, the couple were planning to escape Virginia's community together, and she certainly isn't responsible for his death.

As John considers the possibility that Virginia killed Cameron and planted evidence on Janis, he learns that Virginia wants to "make an example" of Janis to help her community feel safe again.

With Dakota questioning her sister's motives and urging John to do the right thing, he soon digs up Cameron's grave, outmaneuvers a walker onslaught, and uncovers a knife handle from the burial site.

This newfound evidence leads John to believe that Cameron's throat was sliced -- presenting his case to Strand, who begrudgingly gives John access to the armory.

Predictably, the armory provides incomplete documentation -- it appears as though the culprit has removed all records of the knife in question.

Meanwhile, despite clear evidence that she is innocent, a rather hopeless Janis admits to murdering Cameron, and is sentenced to death by Virginia.

Clearly distraught, John Dorie seeks solace in sharing a drink with Rabbi Jacob Kessner, pouring his heart out while accepting his impending doom.

John is determined to free Janis from her unfair sentencing, no matter the cost -- he recounts a story in which his father planted evidence to stop a serial killer: "Breaking the rules to set things right."

Following this fateful incident, his father's life fell apart -- his friends didn't trust him, his marriage crumbled, he became an alcoholic and moved north.

John has accepted that his life will be destroyed in similar fashion, telling Jacob that he knows he'll never see June again.

However, much like Al's determination to reunite with Isabelle in last week's episode, things don't often go according to plan in The Walking Dead universe.

John quickly finds that he's too late to save Janis, as Virginia has executed her ahead of schedule.

When Strand admits that he tipped Virginia off about Janis being a flight risk, the two resort to a physical altercation -- Strand believes that he's saved John's life, and John believes that Strand has murdered an innocent woman.

Ultimately, Virginia gives a speech to her people about John's heroism, providing him with a key to the future and transferring June from her current location as a reward.

Indeed, a love like Johnny and June has been recaptured, but at what cost?

Meanwhile, Morgan and Rufus (Emile's dog), have taken to the road in search of Grace -- seemingly, Rufus has been tasked with tracking down her scent.

Nonetheless, their mission quickly goes awry when a violent car crash creates another unwanted problem -- the two men responsible for the collision are looking for Emile, the "bounty hunter" killed by Morgan in the Season 6 premiere.

As both men converge on Morgan, he has little choice but to add two kills to his laundry list of violent acts, examining the key around his neck with newfound wonder.

What are your thoughts on Season 6 thus far?

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